According to the tradition today we lighten the second candle on the Advent Girlande. Advent has got a lot to do with light. It might have something to do with the fact that on the Northern hemisphere now the days are constantly getting shorter, and we see the sun less and less. Sunset is in the afternoon, it remains dark for many hours, and we need artificial light.
God also wants to give us light. Several hundreds of years before the very first Christmas the prophet Isaiah already wrote that there will be a light to come.
“Listen to me, my people; hear me, my nation: Instruction will go out from me; my justice will become a light to the nations. (Isaiah 51, 4 NIV)
What does light mean to you? The more light we turn on the more we can see. The more light we turn on the more money it costs. Every candle costs money, and electricity costs money as well.
When visiting old elegant castles you might see huge chandeliers with numerous candles on them so that the kings and dukes will have a lot of light.
So is light something for rich people only? Think of the story that Jesus told about the rich man and the camel. There it is the other way round. Does there exist something like a special light for the poor? No, this is not the case. All this might now sound a bit complicated but it is quite simple. You just have to find the way, and I will help you with joy.