Consider the lilies how they grow: They neither spin nor weave; yet I tell you, even Solomon in all his glory was not attired like one of these. But if that is how God clothes the grass, which is growing in the field today, and tomorrow is cast into the oven; how much more will he clothe you! How little faith you have! (Luke 12, 27 – 28)
It is wonderful when after a long and frosty winter the plants start to grow again. They grow, and we don’t have to do anything for it. We may enjoy watching them, and they are useful because they also provide us with food.
How does it come that in spring life comes back to nature? Is it because of the sun?
In former times people adored and worshipped the sun as a god. Various temples of the sun, masterpieces of architecture give proof of this.
We modern people, of course, know that the sun is nothing but a fireball in and on which clearly structured chemical processes are happening. This has not got anything to do with any god. And yet – the sun is part of a perfect system due to which life on earth is made possible.
Nature in all it’s beauty may only exist because the sun is located in the absolutely correct distance from the earth. Well, and because the sun is shining, and because it is raining, and it is warm in regular intervals, because of all this plants are able to grow and life is existing in all it’s wide variety.
All right, this is nature. It is just like that? Or is there a God who has got all this in his eternal mind and who created all this?
This God exists, because the universe has not happened to have appeared out of a coincidence after a chaos. This God loves us, and this God wants to care for us. The only thing that we humans have to do is to give permission.
Consider the lilies how they grow: They neither spin nor weave; yet I tell you, even Solomon in all his glory was not attired like one of these. But if that is how God clothes the grass, which is growing in the field today, and tomorrow is cast into the oven; how much more will he clothe you! How little faith you have! (Luke 12, 27 – 28)
God wants to care for us. God wants to be in contact with us humans. God wants to provide us with joy, joy not only when looking at nature but joy in all parts of life.
When next time you will enjoy the beauty of nature, try to thank God for it, for having given all this to us. Get into contact with God. It is worth it. You will live.